Receptivity - Greece
“How do I design a clever media buying strategy? When and where are consumers more receptive?” Learn how people spend their time, what media they consume and when is the best time to communicate your message.
5 Key Takeaways
- Greeks spend more than half of their 24h-day at home, probably sleeping. They prefer staying at home even during their day-offs.(see chart)
- Greeks spend more than 20% of their time, every day, on Social Media (3h 36min.). Nevertheless, TV (incl. Subscription) still rules in terms of penetration.
- Boomers are also heavy users of Social Media. Subscription-based media are expected to further grow.
- Facebook leads the social media world. Video seems to be the next big thing though.(see chart)
- The majority of “At-home activities” offers relaxation while “Out of Home activities” involve a greater variety of moods (ie.Happiness & Excitement).
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