All about Health - Greece
“How do I stay relevant to my customers and employees? How do I offer them something they will appreciate?”. Learn how do people perceive remote working, why they quit, how sensitive they are regarding their privacy? Do they own cryptos? How many pay with their smart watch? What do they think about Metaverse? Do they give to charity?
5 Key Takeaways
- Greeks that work remotely (23%) are more unlikely to quit their jobs (73% vs. 62%), making remote working a good retention enabler for companies.(see chart)
- When it comes to sharing sensitive personal data, doctors are the only trusted partners for Greeks, in contrast with Insurance companies & Health apps.
- Although GenZ seems less worried about their personal data usage, it takes the time to “handle” rather than simply accept cookies.
- Personalisation may be trendy, however Greeks don’t seem willing to share personal data in exchange for personalised services.
- Despite the buzz, Greeks are not yet into Crypto currencies & Meta verse. However, Meta verse shows potential if awareness is built.(see chart)
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