Trends Beyond Commerce - Poland
“How do I stay relevant to my customers and employees? How do I offer them something they will appreciate?”. Learn how do people perceive remote working, why they quit, how sensitive they are regarding their privacy? Do they own cryptos? How many pay with their smart watch? What do they think about Metaverse? Do they give to charity?
5 Key Takeaways
- Significant majority of Poles that work remotely enjoy it. People with remote work options are less likely to quit their jobs, making remote working a good way to retain employees.(see chart)
- Poles are comfortable to share their personal health data only with doctors. Both insurers and mobile applications seem to be much less trustworthy.
- Younger generations seem to be more concerned about the impact of social media on their personal life and this is particularly relevant for people seeking achievement.
- Only 1 out of 10 Poles is not at all concerned about online use of their personal data by companies. Younger generations seem to feel more comfortable with this concept.
- Cryptocurrency ownership is far from a broad market adoption in Poland, however, majority of crypto owners are optimistic about the future of their holdings.
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