e-Pharma Equity Tracking – Greece
“What is really happening with e shops in this category? Which online Pharmacy is leading? Is there anyone that is trending now? How do I link my strategy with theirs?” Keep track of most popular e-pharmacies, how people feel, key category drivers and how different e-retailers score, along with main rejection reasons and loyalty levels.
5 Key Takeaways
- Prices, convenience and variety are the Top 3 key drivers for online pharmacies. Slightly different from other online retailing (i.e. e-s/m and e-electric stores), where given current COVID-19 conditions, prompt delivery has gained importance.
- A fragmented market, with too may players that commoditise the category.
- Besides symbol distinctiveness (i.e. 24, 4, 16, etc.) no clear ownership in distinctive assets. Brand name itself seems to have an impact on image.
- Sentiment is overall neutral. All e-pharmacies carry similar associations related with variety, offers, fast service.
- 2Happy.gr & Pharmacy Discount are the emotional winners in a rather neutral category.
- The majority of players have very low awareness. Pharmacy Discount & 2Happy.gr have overall good penetration. Vita4you & Pharm16 face issues in penetration.
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